Saturday, November 30, 2019

Outline three factors that might explain western society’s attitude to death and dying free essay sample

The lack of openness and discussion about death and dying has adverse consequences: People may be unnecessarily frightened about the process of dying; Close relatives of people who are approaching the end of life may be unaware of their wishes and therefore how best to help and support them. This is particularly important for those who may lose the capacity to make their own decisions; Inappropriate interventions may be tried if those caring for someone are not aware of the person’s treatment preferences, including advance decisions to refuse treatment; People who would have wished their organs to be used for transplantation may not have discussed this with relatives who have to make decisions after their death; People may not have discussed funeral wishes with their relatives; People may die without writing a will; Same sex partners may not have declared their status, with the consequence that professionals may exclude them from involvement in their partner’s care; Fear of the unknown means that people sometimes tend to avoid those who are ill for fear of ‘upsetting them’ or ‘making them worse’; Lack of public and professional discussion about death and dying may be one of the reasons why this area has historically been given low priority by health and social care services; People, including clinical staff, are ignorant of the possible options that could improve quality of life and restore independence; Lack of knowledge of the financial implications for the bereaved following a death and what needs to be put in place ahead of the event; and Lack of public and professional discussion about grief and loss, which results in the isolation of the bereaved. We will write a custom essay sample on Outline three factors that might explain western society’s attitude to death and dying or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page National and local action to promote public awareness and change attitudes about death and dying 2. 5 This strategy sets out the government’s intention to make end of life care a priority. However, government action alone cannot change attitudes towards death and dying, nor raise awareness of the issues involved. 2. 6 The general public, professionals, independent groups, voluntary sector and statutory organisations will need to work together in partnership to deliver improved awareness of the issues involved with end of life care and to change attitudes. This will require concerted action and progress will not be made overnight.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Language and Its Characteristics Essay Example

Language and Its Characteristics Essay Example Language and Its Characteristics Essay Language and Its Characteristics Essay Language is a means of forming and storing ideas as reflections of reality and exchanging them in the process of human intercourse. Language is social by nature; it is inseparably connected with the people who are its creators and users; it grows and develops together with the development of society. Language incorporates the three constituent parts (sides), each being inherent in it by virtue of its social nature. These parts are the phonological system, the lexical system, the grammatical system. Only the unity of these three elements forms a language; without any one of them there is no human language in the above sense. The phonological system is the subfoundation of language; it determines the material (phonetical) appearance of its significant units. The lexical system is the whole set of naming means of language, that is, words and stable word-groups. The grammatical system is the whole set of regularities determining the combination of naming means in the formation of utterances as the embodiment of thinking process. Each of three constituent parts of language is studied by particular linguistic discipline. These disciplines presenting a series of approaches to their particular objects of analysis , give the corresponding descriptions of language consisting in ordered expositions of the constituent parts in question. Thus, the phonological description of language is effected by the science of phonology ; the lexical description of language is effected by the science of lexicology; the grammatical description of language is effected by the science of grammar. Now we are going to have a good look at each of these three disciplines. [Blokh,6] The first one is Phonology. The study of speech sounds is partitioned between two distinct but related disciplines, phonetic and phonology. Both terms come from the Greek word meaning sound, and there is a fair degree of overlap in what concerns the two subjects . Thus, the boundaries between phonetics and phonology are very difficult to draw, and there is a good deal of controversy amongst linguists as to exactly where they should lie. Despite the differences, it is clear that each of these subdisciplines relies on the other to a large extent , in the sense that phonological analyses have to be grounded in phonetic facts, and phonetic research has to be geared towards those capacities of the human vocal tract which subserve language specifically. Phonetics is essentially the study of the physical aspects of speech. This means the acoustic bases of speech (linked most closely with speech production). Thus, phonetic research might investigate the collection of frequencies of sound observed in the production of particular types of vowel, or it might examine the precise movements of the tongue in producing the sound s. Phonology is connected with the linguistic patterning of sounds in human languages Grammar . In earlier periods of the development of linguistic knowledge, grammatical scholars believed that the only purpose of grammar was to give strict rules of writing and speaking correctly. The rigid regulations for the correct ways of expression, for want of the profound understanding of the social nature of language, were often based on purely subjective and arbitrary judgements of individual grammar compilers. The result of this prescriptive approach was, that alongside of quite essential and useful information, non-existent rules were formulated that stood in sheer contradiction with the existing language usage, i. e. lingual reality. Traces of this arbitrary prescriptive approach to the grammatical teaching may easily be found even in to-dates school practice. The said traditional view of the purpose of grammar has lately been restated by some modern trends in linguistics. In particular, scholars belonging to these trends pay much attention to artificially constructing and analysing incorrect utterances with the aim of a better formulation of the rules for the construction of correct ones. The nature of grammar as a constituent part of language is better understood in the light of explicitly discriminating the two planes of language, namely, the plane of content and the plane of expression. . Modern linguistics lays a special stress on the systemic character of language and all its constituent parts. It accentuates the idea that language is a system of signs (meaningful units) which are closely interconnected and interdependent. Units of immediate interdependencies (such as classes and subclasses of words, various subtypes of syntactic constructions, etc. form different microsystems (subsystems) within the framework of the global macrosystem (supersystem) of the whole of language. Each system is a structured set of elements related to one another by a common function. The common function of all the lingual signs is to give expression to human thoughts. The systemic nature of grammar is probably more evident than that of any other sphere of language, since grammar is re sponsible for the very organisation of the informative content of utterances [БÐ »Ã ¾Ã'…, 4, 11 Ð ¸ Ã' Ã ». . Due to this fact, even the earliest grammatical treatises, within the cognitive limits of their times, disclosed some systemic features of the described material. But the scientifically sustained and consistent principles of systemic approach to language and its grammar were essentially developed in the linguistics of the twentieth century, namely, after the publication of the works by the Russian scholar Beaudoin de Courtenay and the Swiss scholar Ferdinand de Saussure. These two great men demonstrated the difference between lingual synchrony (coexistence of lingual elements) and diachrony (different time-periods in the development of lingual elements, as well as language as a whole) and defined language as a synchronic system of meaningful elements at any stage of its historical can be strictly defined, which is of crucial importance for the identification of the object of linguistic science. Language in the narrow sense of the word is a system of means of expression, while speech in the same narrow sense should be understood as the manifestation of the system of language in the process of intercourse. The system of language includes, on the one hand, the body of material units - sounds, morphemes, words, word-groups; on the other hand, the regularities or rules of the use of these units. Speech comprises both the act of producing utterances, and the utterances themselves, i. e. the text. Language and speech are inseparable, they form together an organic unity. As for grammar (the grammatical system), being an integral part of the lingual macrosystem it dynamically connects language with speech, because it categorially determines the lingual process of utterance production. Thus, we have the broad philosophical concept of language which is analysed by linguistics into two different aspects - the system of signs (language proper) and the use of signs (speech proper). The generalising term language is also preserved in linguistics, showing the unity of these two aspects [БÐ »Ã ¾Ã'…, 16]. The sign (meaningful unit) in the system of language has only a potential meaning. In speech, the potential meaning of the lingual sign is actualised, i. e. made situationally significant as part of the grammatically organised text. Lingual units stand to one another in two fundamental types of relations: syntagmatic and paradigmatic. Syntagmatic relations are immediate linear relations between units in a segmental sequence (string). E. g. : The spaceship was launched without the help of a booster rocket. In this sentence syntagmatically connected are the words and word-groups the spaceship, was launched, the spaceship was launched, was launched without the help, the help of a rocket, a booster rocket. . On the basis of discriminating synchrony and diachrony, the difference between language proper and speech proper

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Holistic Approach to Ambulatory Care

The use of technology is being adopted extensively in the healthcare field as funds increase due to policy changes, especially HITECH, and the need to implement electronic health records (EHR) is recognized. Promote consumer / patient access and participation in health care portals (Sackett, 2013). The use of technology will enable patients to track important health information. This may be useful to change the care of the primary care provider, which means that unnecessary attempts to provide a past medical history to the physician's clinic can be eliminated. This document describes the development of medical care in the outpatient clinical setting and the future direction, the explosive development of technology, the change in the payment pattern, the role of nursing staff, the challenges facing nursing professionals and the characteristics of outpatient experts I will outline it. Medical reform, Affordable medical law, Implementation of care adjustment as a strategy to improve hea lth and prevent re-hospitalization, and Transition from volume-based care to value-based care, interest in outpatient care environment Is rising. Current and future medical website Specialized outpatient care is a complex and multifaceted occupation that includes both independent and collaborative work.The comprehensive practice of outpatient care is based on a wide knowledge of nursing and health science and it is clinically applied to the care process Expertise: Nurses use evidence-based information at various outpatient medical facilities to achieve and secure patient safety and care quality while improving patient outcomes. In 2001, this professional occupation announced a series of outpatient care and nursing knowledge revised in 2006 for the first time. Outpatient nursing core course (AAACN, 2001). This core course is still an important and relevant resource, and many nurses use it to lead a place for outpatient clinical practice. Specialized outpatient care is a complex and m ultifaceted occupation that includes both independent and collaborative work.The comprehensive practice of outpatient care is based on a wide knowledge of nursing and health science and it is clinically applied to the care process Expertise: Nurses use evidence-based information at various outpatient medical facilities to achieve and secure patient safety and care quality while improving patient outcomes.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Leadership and change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Leadership and change - Essay Example Transformational leaders have the capability to encourage others, supporting their followers to respect and trust them. Companies require leaders who are capable of coping with this massive change, maintain day to day functions, and offer a competitive gain even at the time of downsizing. Transformational leaders can motivate and encourage their followers, uniting them for a combined cause, causing better productivity, performance, as well as job significance. The second section - Literature Review - will highlight the theories and concepts of transformational leadership. Third section will explain why transformational leadership is the appropriate approach to adopt at the time of downsizing. Fourth section will discuss the limitations of this leadership approach. Fifth section will reflect on the needs to develop the appropriate leadership skills, and sixth chapter will conclude the paper by providing the summary of the findings. The theory of transformational leadership has its origins with leadership scholar James MacGregor (Bass & Riggio, 2012). He presented the preliminary framework for the theory of transformational leadership by recognizing what he believed two opposed aspects - transactional leadership and transformational leadership (Bass & Riggio, 2012, p. 102). In transactional leadership, leaders keep a rapport with their team as a series of â€Å"exchanges or bargains† (Avolio & Yammarino, 2013, p. 82) to satisfy existing requirements. Transformational leadership bypasses the conventional form of exchanging incentives and attains preferred performance by intellectually motivating, and encouraging followers to go beyond their self-interests for a better mutual objective. Leadership has exceeded beyond the basis of simplifying the necessary performance of staff to boost the value of the productivity. Kearney & Gebert (2009) significantly developed

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Fascism and the Great Depression Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fascism and the Great Depression - Assignment Example Countries who had a long tradition and history of democracy and representative government were able to persist with freedom, while countries that did not have that history were quick to abandon the parliamentary process in favor of fascism. The totalitarian governments of Germany and Italy were made possible by the creation of a political void when the depression set in. There was no long history of cooperative politics to base a future of compromise and sacrifice on. Both Germany and Italy fit this mold. Germany became an extreme form of totalitarianism with the practice of genocide and a policy of ethnic cleansing. Italy was less authoritarian in that it did not have world domination as a policy goal. However, Italy did wish to dispose of capitalism and put the power into the hands of the working class. This called for extreme measures to push their socialist agenda. Mainstream and moderate political ideas were shut out and in the process, total control was given over to the fascist rulers. The Rise of Adolph Hitler Adolph Hitler was able to rise to unquestioned authority in Germany, which resulted in one of the most brutal dictatorships in the history of the world. He was able to rise to power as a part of the Nazi party machine. The Nazis had gained popularity after World War I and the resulting sanctions that were placed on Germany at that time. The Nazi party was based on an intense feeling of nationalism and patriotism. It emphasized that the German people stood alone against the rest of the world and the true Germanic race was superior. Hitler was able to exploit these feelings when he came to power at the beginning of the Great Depression. The time was right for a strong leader and Hitler capitalized on the economic misfortunes.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Understand Person Centred Approaches Essay Example for Free

Understand Person Centred Approaches Essay Outcome 1- Understand centred approaches for care and support. T/C 1.1 + DIP 1 person centred values means the people who we have supported are able to be involved and are included in every way aspect of their care and support an example may be their needs, assessments, care and delivery + support planning. T/C 1.2 + DIP 2 Its important to work in a way that embeds person centred values because care practices should always put the people who we support at the centre of day to day activities as well as including the individuals and their families in the planning and maintaining o this. You are not there just to meet there physical needs but to maintain their sense of being a person and their identity. You should always listen to the service user, despite any difficulties understand their needs, wishes and preferences. DIP 3 Taking risks means you are able to choose and be in control of what you do. You need to ensure that a concern about risk taking is not stopping you living the way you want to. A risk assessment can always be carried out to see if it is possible for someone to do something that that they thought would not be acceptable. DIP 4 individuals care plans do contribute to working in a person centred way as in their care plan it will state all of the following in a person centred way: Individuals view regarding their needs and circumstances. Read more:  Understand Person Centred Approaches Essay Priorities and needs the person considers being the most important. Individuals strengths, interests likes and dislikes.  The way the individual prefers to have their needs met.  People who are important to and contribute to the persons life and provide their support network. Outcome 2 – Understand how to implement a person centred approach in adult social care settings. T/C 2.1 + DIP 1 You can find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual is by talking to them, how they would like to live, how they like to be treated. Talk to families or advocates. Talk to professionals involved in individual’s life such as doctors or nurses. T/C 2.2+DIP 2 I would follow the principles of person centred care. This will aim to see the person as an individual rather than on their illness or abilities the may have. Person centred care also means treating the individual with dignity and respect. Individuality Rights Privacy Dignity Respect Independence. T/C 2.3 A care plan is a written document that details the day to day requirements and preferences for care and support for the individual working with person centred way, this is about promoting independence and what they need and want. When a care plan is written it involves the user what they want or need, like or dislike. That’s why the care plan contributes a person centred approach of caring. Outcome 3 Understand the importance of establishing consent when providing care or support T/C 3.1 consent is an agreement to an action, i.e. agreeing to have a bath or shower. 3.2 + DIP 1 Consent when providing care or support not only protects social care and health providers against legal challenge it also is vital because of rights of the person and the importance of recognising that people should determine when being treated with dignity and respect. Ensuring people are in an agreement with support care tasks. Also understanding the information they are given to make choices of their own. T/C 3.3 + DIP 2 to establish consent to undertake an action or activity with an individual you must insure that you: Understand the person’s needs and circumstances in a relation to capacity and decision making.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Against Legalization Of Marijuana :: marijuana should not be legal essay

One debate that keeps coming up time and again is the topic of the legalization of marijuana. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug. Nearly one in three teenagers have at least tried marijuana by the time they graduate high school. It is also gets the most publicity for its legalization. Over thirty pro-legalization organizations have been displayed on the Internet alone. The legalization of marijuana , although popular by today's drug culture, would be a very dangerous and detrimental act for the United States to take part in. Not only would it destroy families, but would also lead to the fall of our economy. Pro-legalization organization argue the fact that legalization would result in the decrease of crime rates in our cities and towns, but in actuality almost eighty-two percent of all violent crime that involves drugs don't involve marijuana. The fact remains that crime would still inhabit the streets if marijuana was to be legalized. The organizations base there theory on the success that the Netherlands has had with reduction of crime due to the wide- spread legalization of marijuana. The differences between New Amsterdam and the United States is great due to a different structured economy and different cultures. This differences would prove to be the reason for their success and the United States failure. Legalization would also be very dangerous to the economy. The United States economy is a rather shaky one. The introduction of such a huge industry would be enough to crash our country into a depression. The market for marijuana would be very extensive. Between the marketing of marijuana and profit from taxes would generate would be too much for the United States to endure in. The fact that marijuana would be legal would add another thing for the people just another thing for them to spend their money on. We already have enough people on welfare and under the poverty line, this would create even more. Families would also feel the effects of a society that allows its people to live their life "high." Marijuana makes a person depressed and sometimes anti-social. This causes the decrease in communication through-out a house hold. Communication is what keep a family close and involved in each other's life. The effects of marijuana and other drugs destroys families enough now, but if it were to become legal then that number would raise and so would the number of broken homes. We are at a time when our family structure has already been destroy and where we should be working to rebuild that important aspect of life. Legalizing marijuana would not be the way to do that.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Differences between massachusetts and virginia 1607 and 1750 Essay

Both the economics and politics greatly differed between Massachusetts and Virginia between 1607 and 1750. The differences in the percentage of classes were unbelievably large and their entire economic structure differed from each other. Virginia had more risky culture and economics where-as Massachusetts had a more stable economy. The economy of Virginia was based solely on the production of tobacco. The plantation owners had to buy slaves to work the fields so the slave trade industry in Virginia was also a huge factor. The plantation owners were in the very rich, elite category and pretty much ran the politics. Virginia had a ridiculously small middle class and they barely had any say in the elections. The poor classes of Virginia were about 80%of the population and were not even allowed to vote. This made the state/colony of Virginia a very un-democratic and un-representative. There was very little cash flow in Virginia because the elite plantation owners flaunted their wealth as a display of power. This was necessary because this display of power kept the slaves and poor people of the community from revolting. The economy of Virginia was very fragile and brittle. All it would have taken was one drought or one bad tobacco year and Virginia would have been severely hurt economically. The Northern colonies, especially Massachusetts, were much more stable. There was a larger middle class of 65% and there was much more representation in politics in Massachusetts. The economy was much more stable because it didn’t only rely on one form of income. Because there were many harbors in Massachusetts there were more towns which led to the need of new professions. There included Blacksmiths, Clothing makers, Merchants, and sailors. There was also much more cash flow in Massachusetts because there was no need to flaunt wealth and a much larger middle class. Another reason for the greater amounts of cash flow was that the people that lived in Massachusetts were mostly Puritan. The Puritans believed that you should not show your wealth because it was temptation and temptation was a sin. The Puritans were extremely hard-working and that is one of the main reasons the Northern colonies were so successful. The Northern colonies and the Southern colonies differed in many ways but both succeeded in the long run. They may have had different views and completely different economies but both sides will play their own part in the revolution and eventually become one country. The Untied States of America.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Product outsourcing to Far East Enterprises Limited

In management accounting the premise of relevant costing is applied in order to evaluate business decisions. Such costing premise implies that only incremental costs and revenues pertinent to the decision at hand are considered. Past costs, commonly known as sunk costs and/or unaffected costs are irrelevant to the decision-making process. Therefore the calculations computed in Appendix A of this Report abide with the relevant costing principle noted in this paragraph.At face value, the agreed price with FEE of $395 per unit is lower than the total manufacturing costs per unit of $425. However, before rushing into any drastic conclusions it is imperative to consider the relevant costs and revenues. Further more, in this case, a particular time frame ought to be set up, because FEE is requesting a two-year contract with the company. Therefore the relevant costs and revenues have to be computed on a two-year basis.Upon assessment of the incremental costs and revenues on the two year per iod, it is outlined in Appendix A that an Incremental Loss of $8,929,280 will occur if the company appoints FEE as its supplier for this particular product. Thus it is more financially viable to make the product rather than purchase it from a supplier. The reason behind such a loss mainly rests because the buy decision will be unable to affect the general company overheads, in which a substantial portion is allocated to the GPSN Model.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Talking Heads Alan Bennett Essay Example

Talking Heads Alan Bennett Essay Example Talking Heads Alan Bennett Paper Talking Heads Alan Bennett Paper Essay Topic: Literature Talk The following text is an essay based on two of the six Talking Heads monologues written by Alan Bennett: Bed Among The Lentils and Her Big Chance. The essay attempts to explain whether anything is lost or gained by reading these plays as short stories rather than seeing performances on television or the stage. The Talking Head monologues were originally written for performance on television, though they are also available as a collection of short stories. It has been suggested that Bennett created the pieces for specific performers, all of who are, to a certain extent, associated with him. It is therefore probable that he tailored the material to suit the individual actors styles. Bed among the Lentils starred Maggie Smith as Susan, who can be thought of as a typical English actress synonymous with intelligent, straight-laced, aloof characters, i. e. Miss Brody, while Her Big Chance starred Julie Walters as Leslie, who, at that time, was best known for her ditsy, flamboyant, comic roles. Casting of this kind makes a difference to the way in which the characters are accepted by the audience. The Actors individual nuances and deliverance would have been taken into account when the plays were written and would make a vast difference to the way in which the characters are shown. Being aware of a particular Actors performance strengthens the language the character uses. It makes the language used appropriate to the characters social background and since all the pieces were intended for performance, there is a musical quality to the text, which makes it sound more effective when read aloud. Though the text also stands reasonably well as a series of short stories, the fluent language used by each individual Actor as a repetitive musical rhythm of speech, i. e. Susan with her monotone delivery and Leslie with her high-octane quality, does add to the performance. One of the features of these stories is that there is an invisible barrier between the main characters and the real world. Each person has a secret which is well hidden but never revealed or acknowledged voluntarily. Each person hides her weakness Susans alcoholism and loss of faith Lesleys promiscuity and lack of talent. Each character keeps up a pretence of normality and Bennett shows us, through the eye of the camera, how each person struggles to maintain a facade. The characters dont seem to talk to the audience, but at it. Susan, the vicars wife, tells the story of her alcoholism and rehabilitation. She feels she is trapped in a loveless marriage to an Anglican clergyman, has taken to drink and begun an affair with an Asian grocer. Initially, Susan does come across as someone who is full of contempt for sex, with her description of sex as frightful collisions, or her own sex with Geoffrey as desiccated conjunctions. This at first suggests that she is simply a woman who lacks sexual desire. However, we later discover that it is a mere lack of desire with regards to Geoffrey. Her constant reference to Rameshs wonderful legs indicates great sexual desire. We therefore have this image of Susan as an unfulfilled woman in every respect, which is enhanced by the envious tone in her voice when she notices people, on a Sunday afternoon, Living, but when she refers to Mr Ramesh it is enhanced by the smile on the Actors lips. Susan despises her husband and his loyal band of parishioners and what they stand for but her involvement in the church is so fundamental to her life that she has even started to date important events in her life by holidays and occasions in religion. She remembers sleeping with Ramesh as being the second Sunday after Trinity. This is highlighted by the Actors voice, for example, when Susan is heard to recant part of the Lords prayer it is with a musical preaching tone which had been preceded and immediately followed by a mono-tonal quality, used when she is speaking of her life. Susans appearance is a good indicator as to how she is feeling about herself and her life. When the audience first sees her she is dressed in dull, shabby clothing and has unkempt, lank hair. She makes no mention of her problem with alcohol, except by allusion, until the final scene when she reveals that she has been to Alcoholics Anonymous. Even her rehabilitation is seen by her as another religion and Geoffreys attitude to it and to her are recounted with scant affection. It is apparent by the Actors delivery that there is no love lost between Susan and Geoffrey. He is, we are told, more interested in using the experience as a means of acquiring status as an upwardly mobile parson and according to Susan, this is what is in store for them both as Geoffrey brandishes Susans hand and tells her story all over the diocese. Susan is a changed woman at the end of the story, having, for the time being, given up drinking. This is clearly visible as the character is now well dressed, clean and smart with perfect hair and makeup. She is still Mrs Vicar, but the audience is left thinking that this might not last and there is an uncertainty to her future. Her attitude has not softened at all and this is obvious in the Actors delivery, the same mono-tonal voice and blank expression. It seems that though she is well aware of her situation, she has not yet decided what to do about it and her future is unclear. Susan remains, despite her reformation, a vicars wife who has lost her faith and is still dissatisfied with her marriage and her husband. With Leslie, in Her Big Chance, it would seem that Bennett based this character on various types he had seen in theatrical auditions and we can assume that she does have a certain accuracy. This is heighten by casting Julie Walters in this role. The character is first seen on a sunbed, a pastime considered to give the appearance of health though it is widely known to actually cause health problems. Using this in the opening of the play helps to build an image of Lesley of someone who is superficial and spends a lot of time on her appearance. Lesley believes herself to be professional to her fingertips when in fact she is almost completely lacking in any talent other than taking off her clothes and sleeping with the stage-hands. The parts she has played are minor, although she believes that they are important. From the first moment, Lesley builds up her small role in her head, ignoring the obvious facts that she has the part only because of the size of her breasts and that the (possibly soft-porn) production will have only a small audience. She tries desperately to improve herself, but her efforts at collecting people result only in more casual bed partners. Bennett makes her language very luvvie, and lards her story with theatrical jargon. This is delivered brilliantly by Julie Walters who is stereotypically cast in this kind of role. Lesley has no sense of humour at all, and displays a certain amount of waspishness when other characters puncture her ego. This is heightened by the expression on the characters face that shows that she is completely unaware of the sarcasm in others voices. Her naivety is displayed by the hopeless way in which she records others put-downs, and by her failure to see how distant she is from stardom. Fed by the flattery she receives from her lovers, she has an unrealistic idea of her success. Her self confidence is immense and in fact she is very difficult to like. Bennett, however, cleverly uses enough humour to prevent us from despising Lesley and we feel at the end rather sorry for her, left alone and determined to acquire another skill so that she can offer more as a person. She says at the end of her story that acting is really just giving but what she has to give is really not worth very much at all. The awful truth is that she is a victim of the fast dollar and doesnt even know that she is being exploited. Although neither of the characters intend to be funny, Bennett makes each of them speak in ways which cause the audience to laugh either at their situations or their turn of phrase, for example, Susans account of the flower arranging session with Mrs Shrubsole or Lesleys attempt to be interesting at a party. The humour comes from the seriousness of the characters, they use what they perceive to be appropriate language to recount their stories. The audience, therefore, laughs at their situations and at their pretentious behaviour and often their ignorance within those situations. They are touching and real, and at the same time both tragic and funny and this is heightened when it can be seen on the screen.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 50

Reflection - Essay Example I still remember when my boss Mr. Simbiel drafted a memo and gave me the mandate to spread to staff member offices and put them on the notice board. The memo never achieved purpose intended for because in had no date printed on it. I learnt the importance of scrutinizing a business document right from the plain paper to posting and even after. No detail should be left unattended to. In business field, establishing a professional relationship with clients through available meals like letters, emails and fax are key to consider. In additions, contracts are importantly documented in order to avoid disagreements from brewing. Throughout the session, I was an intern I have applied this key writing issues I learn from class and my mentors in the field and have sure achieved great results from it. Sending letters electronically and learning email etiquette came in handy because it is my area I was not well exposed to in class but had the chance to implement. Most companies have pitched tent on social platforms and it is essential as a business hopeful and intern to master the effective communication of the business in order to attract customers, maintain and meet social media terms and conditions. This includes blogging for the company and replying to customer requests on the internet via either emails, social platforms or the fax system. Using the right word during communication is important to relay a message intended across. Without which causes a false alarm. I became pray to this when an episode crept up because of wrong word use. I emailed a customer about the debt owed to the company without putting into mind the effect of the words I used. The client complained bitterly to our manager who explained soberly to the client about me and the purpose of the message and rested the case amicably. Internship in a learning session that students should take time to grasp concepts particularly the practical aspects so

Saturday, November 2, 2019

New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc - Essay Example In reality, management seeks to develop a balance between product diversity and production feasibility. As markets mature and competitive pressures increase, more emphasis is given to product diversity. A challenging problem is the prediction of acceptance rates and market-development cycles. However, this cannot be done precisely at the start. But as companies gain better models and data, more precise market adjustments become possible. "If NB2E was to be successful-approaching Tompkins' goal of 100% availability within 24 hours while reducing inventory levels-manufacturing cycle times had to be dramatically reduced. These changes required complete realignment of factory operations" (Bowen et al 2008, p. 11). This pressing strategy has two sides: on the one hand it will require additional financial spending and restructuring within the company, on the other hand it will help New Balance to respond effectively to increased market pressure. "Doing this would require us to reduce work in process significantly and get the line associates and supervisors to embrace that change. The real challenge would be to keep making shoes every day while this transformation was ongoing." (Bowen et al 2008, p. 11). Product strategy is usually couched in terms of product success. However, management must be realistic about product failures -- new-product failure must be part of overall company expectations. Of course, newproduct failures can be eliminated by going out of business. But staying in business implies that new products will be developed and some will fail. Companies must determine an acceptable failure rate for their new products. Low failure rates are not always complimentary statistics, since they may indicate a lack of innovative ability and risk-taking (Crawford 2006). The second pressing strategy is structuring of supply chain. Successive channel stages attempt to overcome any discrepancy between product assortment and market requirements. Customer requirements of one or two units are at variance with supplier requirements of mass production. "In terms of manufacturing cost, labor and overhead each accounted for roughly 25% of the total, while materials accounted for the remaining 50%." (Bowen et al 2008, p. 9).Channels are thus used to overcome barriers. These barriers include the separations of time and space between producers and markets, the costs of moving goods, the communications barriers between producers and users of products, and the separation of demand. In surmounting such barriers, middlemen serve two groups -- manufacturers and customers. Their economic justification stems from performance of their functions more effectively than others. "New Balance continued to forge closer partnerships with its suppliers" (Bowen et al 2008, p. 9) . In order to improve the situation, New Balance could develop a new line of products targeted at low class consumers. The idea is to develop a product line which meets daily needs of a beverage consumer but its manufacturing process is based on professional sport shows technology and materials. In product development, for example, screening, consumer reaction,